Dec 20 / Sarah Calderon

Time Well Spent: Strategic Check-In Meetings

Regular check-in meetings with your executive can be a critical part of your success. They are an important opportunity to review the calendar, follow up on critical tasks, obtain approval to move projects forward and ask for more context or information if something is not clear. 

I know that it’s easy to give up your meeting time for someone else asking for time with your executive. But resist the temptation to give up your meeting! Not being aligned with your executive affects them, too. Do your best to keep your meeting. 

Think about the frequency and duration of your meetings. Each executive and assistant will have different requirements here. 

  • Daily huddles only need about 10 or 15 minutes. Usually done at the beginning or end of the day
  • Weekly meetings typically require 30 or 60 minutes. Usually done at the beginning or end of the week. 
  • Meetings every two weeks typically require 60 minutes

Agenda items for your check-in can include:

  • High priority items that need to be addressed
  • Review the executive’s calendar for the upcoming week or two. Ensure alignment with high value activities. 
  • Check in on the progress of high value activities.
  • Discuss what is working/ not working.
  • Provide each other with real time feedback.
  • Clearly define action items and tasks.

Investing time in regular, strategic check-in meetings is key to strengthening your strategic partnership. You will see improvement if you prioritize these meetings!